• Hem
  • Introduction


Vänsterpartiet wants to create a society based on our ideology with feminism, socialism and ecological foundations. Vänsterpartiets most important issue is about reducing the gaps in society. Today, instead, we see how the gaps are increasing. According to Vänsterpartiet, it is the task of politics to work for a society where people have equal conditions.
We know that egalitarian societies provide greater freedom and more opportunities for all people. Increased equality means that you are better at solving societal challenges such as climate change, racism and insufficient welfare.

After several years of bourgeois rule, the gaps have increased. We are seeing more and more of the jointly municipally owned being sold off, to the detriment of the municipality’s inhabitants who are losing power and influence. Karlstad is unequal, women and men, girls and boys, do not have the same opportunities to participate on equal terms in society today. Class and socio-economic conditions have a major impact on people’s ability to have their rights fulfilled. The climate is the fateful issue of our time and if we do not act now in the climate area, we will be facing an impossible future.

With key words such as feminism, anti-racism, ecological sustainability, children’s perspectives and solidarity, we take on political work. We prioritize that tax money is used for the greatest possible benefit. Vänsterpartiet has always taken a stand for those who have the most difficulty in making their voices heard. For us, it is important that the whole of society is involved.

We want to create and enable a future for the next generation, conduct intensive and sustainable work, to realistically achieve the set climate goals. The state of our planet is becoming increasingly critical. It may be a global problem of gigantic proportions, but still- or precisely because of it- it affects every person, city and country. Therefore, it is important what we do here in Karlstad as well.
Vänsterpartiet believes that politics has a crucial responsibility to make various decisions to achieve the set climate goals and create an ecologically sustainable society. Through modern and good procurement policies, also get companies to contribute to achieving the climate goals. Furthermore, it is the task of politics to create good conditions to make it easier for citizens in the process of achieving the set climate goals.

Karlstad needs a stronger Left Party. Vänsterpartiet is not just what various party members work with in committees, municipal councils and municipal boards. Vänsterpartiet is so much more. We are also a fighting organization with many activists who get involved and put in an incredible amount of work to reach out with our left-wing politics. We are committed to politics to build and create a better and stronger society for all residents.

As feminists, we work for justice between women and men. As anti-racists, we protest when racist views are aired and expressed on social media, in the streets and in political proposals. As socialists, we are fighting for people who, for one reason or another, are struggling financially. It could be because they are sick or unemployed or for other reasons.
As environmentalists, we work to ensure that environmental issues are prioritized. Based on this, Vänsterpartiet shapes its policy, we see it as our political mission to be involved in fighting for a society where we put people at the center. We want to create and make a better Karlstad for everyone, for and together with you.

  1. Introduction
  2. You should be able to rely on welfare
  3. Focus on quality for employees and citizens
  4. We are all citizens of Karlstad
  5. A climate-smart municipality
  6. School – the most important thing we have to secure our future
  7. Health and social care – a municipality that takes care of everyone
  8. A municipality where everyone can fit
  9. Public transport for mobility and climate
  10. Karlstad city centre – a place to gather
  11. Culture and leisure that benefits everyone
  12. Conclusion
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