• Hem
  • You should be a...

You should be able to rely on welfare

Vänsterpartiet is opposed to the privatization of our welfare as schools, health care and social care. When profit thinking rules, our relationships with each other are affected. Welfare should be a safe haven from such things. When our children start school, we want them to meet as students, not as customers or profit opportunities. When we receive support and help in life, we should be able to be sure of getting the support we need, in the best way. We should not have to worry that we are met by a company that instead of focusing on quality focuses on the smallest cost and the greatest profit.
When owners pick out profits while children and young people have poorer educational opportunities, it shows what the pursuit of profit leads to. For-profit schools earn the most from students who are motivated to study and have strong support from home.
Then they can have lower teacher density and deliver good results, both in grades and money to their owners. It increases inequality in society and drains the entire school system of money.
Money that would be so badly needed to primarily help those students who have poorer conditions and who go to the municipal school. When the business is no longer profitable, the owners can let it go bankrupt. Such bankruptcies have affected students in Karlstad.

The staffing density in elderly care is higher in municipal nursing homes than in private companies. In recent years, an increasing proportion of welfare efforts have been privatized with the argument that the individual gets greater freedom of choice by having more private providers to choose from. Vänsterpartiet has a completely different view. Genuine freedom of choice can be given and developed in public activities. It is important that users are given a real influence on the design of the content of the services they need in their daily lives. We want to abolish the term ‘customer’. Welfare efforts are not a business deal, but an expression of a solidarity-based view of society. Employees should be given time and resources to use their professional knowledge in the best way.

The pursuit of profit in welfare means that the entire welfare system is affected, including the publicly run one. Resources that should benefit everyone are converted into profit for a few, and thus it will be worse for everyone. The pursuit of profit must be stopped and only forms of non-profit organization must be allowed to conduct welfare activities. Knowledge, health and social care is a democratic right and not a commodity. It should not be possible to make money from people’s need for welfare.

We want to:

  • Continue the plan for the reunalization of nursing homes
  • Return personal assistance according to LSS (Act on Support and Service) to municipal management
  • Transition from placements in for-profit to publicly and non-profit run HVB homes (Homes for care and housing for children, young people and addicts)
  1. Introduction
  2. You should be able to rely on welfare
  3. Focus on quality for employees and citizens
  4. We are all citizens of Karlstad
  5. A climate-smart municipality
  6. School – the most important thing we have to secure our future
  7. Health and social care – a municipality that takes care of everyone
  8. A municipality where everyone can fit
  9. Public transport for mobility and climate
  10. Karlstad city centre – a place to gather
  11. Culture and leisure that benefits everyone
  12. Conclusion
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